Suggested information to include in the presentation of your nominated charity:
(it is not required information, only suggested information to include)
(it is not required information, only suggested information to include)
- Who will be impacted by our groups' donations?
- How many people are served / impacted by the charity?
- What will the donated money go towards?
- Is the charity organization staffed by volunteers or paid staff members?
- What other financial resources does the charity access?
- What is the charities annual budget?
- What percentage of the charities annual budget goes towards administrative costs of the organization?
- Are you personally connected to the charity in any way?
- No slideshows or handouts are allowed.
NOTE: Members can nominate their charity of choice at any time, up to one week prior to a meeting. Just click on the
Nomination Form under Charity Info tab.
Nomination Form under Charity Info tab.